
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Why Choose Natrelle Breast Implants?

Natrelle Breast Implants
Breast implant patients used to have two options: saline or silicone implants. In February 2013, Allergan announced the release of an innovative new kind of breast implant: Natrelle 410 highly cohesive anatomically shaped silicone-filled implants. These implants, nicknamed “gummy bear implants” because of their unique consistency, are quickly gaining popularity amongst women who want larger, fuller breasts.

Here are five reasons Mountain View / Palo Alto plastic surgeon Samuel Pearl urges you to consider breast augmentation, and more specifically, the Natrelle 410 implants:

1.     Summer is coming, and you want to fill out your bikini top.

The warmest season of the year is quickly approaching, and that means spending lots of time outside sporting tiny tank tops and bikinis. If you look back on summers past and lament the way your small breasts look in skimpy clothing, consider “trying on” a pair of Natrelle implants during a breast augmentation consultation. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with your preview!

2.     You have breast-envy.

Do you look at big-breasted celebrities like Kim Kardashian or Scarlett Johansson and feel envious of their bustlines? Or, do you have someone in your own life — a friend or a yoga instructor, perhaps — whose breasts you envy? Don’t worry: this is completely normal. Depending on your goals, breast augmentation can either subtly or significantly increase your cup size, putting you on par with your favorite busty beauty.

3.     Your breasts have gotten smaller after having children.

Having children is a magical experience — one you probably wouldn’t trade for the world. But pregnancy and nursing can take their toll on the breasts, causing volume to diminish and the breast mass to droop down toward the belly button. Not only do Natrelle 410 implants restore natural-looking shape and volume, they also maintain their form for many years.

4.     You have lost one or both breasts to cancer.

If you have survived breast cancer and want to reconstruct one or both breasts after mastectomy, Natrelle is one of your best options. These implants come in a variety of models, each with a different width, height and projection. Dr. Pearl will help you select the type that best suits your body type, frame and personal aesthetic goals.

5.     You want “Natrelly” beautiful breasts.

Natrelle implants are specially designed to mimic the look and feel of natural breasts. They have a thicker consistency than traditional silicone gel implants and are able to maintain their shape better.

Am I a Candidate for Natrelle 410 Implants?

The FDA has approved Natrelle 410 implants for breast augmentation candidates over the age of 22 and breast reconstruction candidates of any age.

Dr. Pearl will confirm whether you are a suitable candidate for breast implants during a one-on-one consultation. In general, candidates are in good physical and psychological health and free of any serious medical conditions that could increase the risk of complications. Candidates should seek breast implants of their own accord, not under the influence of anyone else.

Schedule a Breast Implants Consultation

If you’d like more information about the Natrelle 410 implants, Bay Area plastic surgeon Samuel Pearl would be pleased to speak with you. Please contact our office at 650-964-6600 and schedule a consultation.

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